

I’ve worked 5 weeks in a row so far with no days off. My full-time job is as a software engineer, but I work a part-time job every other weekend at an apartment complex as a leasing agent. I have not had a day off since March 14th, 2022. I’m pretty tired.

Why two jobs?

I don’t need the money. It is nice to have additional income, but I do not need it. The benefit it provides is a pretty significant net positive benefit.

  • $50 monthly discount on rent
  • Don’t have to pay pet rent ($25 * two cats = $50)
  • Did not have to pay the cat fees or deposit when I moved to my current apartment
  • No length on the lease

With the $100 discount between rent and pet rent, plus roughly $400 per month in a paycheck, that’s a net positive of $500, which has helped significantly with saving and preparing for our future. I’ve been doing this for 3 years now. It’s a lot to handle, but I’m making it work.

End goal?

When my fiance and I finally get married and buy a house, that will be it. The flexibility of being able to leave with a 30-day notice at any time is helpful, however that may result in us putting off moving forward with our future. Maybe if I were to quit the job, it would push us to actually get married and buy a home so we can get out of apartment living.